Let’s ‘Close the Door on Fire’ with Fire Door Safety Week 2022
Sentry Doors are proud to support Fire Door Safety Week (FDSW) for a third year running. As regular supporters of FDSW, we are pleased to be involved in this year’s campaign; ‘Close the Door on Fire’.
The Fire Door Safety Week campaign is the brainchild of The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) launched in 2013 as a response to continued fire door neglect. Since 2013, BWF have seen an increase in people and organisations involved in the fire safety industry coming together to support the campaign and to raise awareness of the importance of fire door safety.
Despite the increase in the campaigns awareness, fire safety is still considered less of a priority amongst homeowners and renters, with tenants being six times more likely to report a heating system issue than a fire door one. That is why FDSW aims to increase public understanding of the vital role that fire doors play in preventing the spread of fire or smoke and ultimately protecting people’s lives.
Social housing landlords, or the Responsible Person, have a legal responsibility under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) to ensure that their properties and the tenants living in them are safe. The state of fire doors are specifically referenced in the FSO yet there is still a lack of understanding amongst landlords as to what their responsibilities are concerning fire door maintenance checks. Everyone has a part to play in ensuring a fire door is fit for purpose and performs as it should in the event of a fire; from the manufacturer to the tenants living in a property, the condition of a fire door should be regularly checked and maintained to ensure it can perform as intended.
This year, to show our support, we will be sharing a range of resources to raise awareness of fire door safety. As part of this we are offering a free webinar; ‘Golden Thread: The Digital Transformation of Building Fire Safety’, which will guide you through upcoming fire door legislation and the need to adopt a digital approach to the management of fire doors.
Everyone has a role to play in ensuring fire doors perform as intended. That is why at Sentry Doors, we aim to provide compliance throughout the procurement process, ensuring the quality of our fire doors is constantly maintained through ongoing testing and evidencing our range of certification.
For more information about Fire Door Safety Week and to find out how you can show your support, visit https://www.firedoorsafetyweek.co.uk/